Mo[u]rning ︎
Work in Progress 
To be confirmed in the making. 

Launch of Project: Re-gained:
A Performative User’s Manual
Flausen+ E-Werk Residency 2024
Loreto Valenzuela

Re-gained referes to the idea of ‘mourning publicly as a resistance act’. Often emotions like mourning for the loss of a love one are mutilated in the public ephere. if not, they are utilised for other purposes. Collective mouning is a powerful act of resistance. 

“One way of posing the question of who “we” are in these times of war is by asking whose lives are considered valuable, whose lives are mourned, and whose lives are considered ungrievable. We might think of war as dividing populations into those who are grievable and those who are not. An ungrievable life is one that cannot be mourned because it has never lived, that is, it has never counted as a life at all. We can see the division of the globe into grievable and ungrievable lives from the perspective of those who wage war in order to defend the lives of certain communities, and to defend them against the lives of others—even if it means taking those latter lives."—Judith Butler, Frames of War: When Is Life Grievable?

8th June 2024

10am- 13:30PM

E-Werk @Suddufer Studio

Kick off residency by Re-claim kollectiv
More information about the residency here.︎

Residency E-Werk Freiburg.

Eine Residenz des E-Werk im Rahmen von flausen+.

Gefördert vom Fonds Darstellende Künste aus Mitteln der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien.

Re-gained: ein Performatives Benutzerhandbuch