For this piece we began researching and discussing ideas and experiences of the word ‘power’ with reference to love. We drew from autobiographical materials, observations and testimonies gathered through the collective creative workshops.
An interactive, live Art Performance! that explores the relationship between power and love, proximities and distant, similarities and dissimilarities. And how our physical actions shift our frames of perception.
Ella: “can you hear?”… (long pause) El: “what the silence?!”… (long pause) Ella: [looks around, stands up and leaves]… El: [puzzled] (long pause)… But… (long pause) it is beautiful as it is!? (long pause)…
Devised and directed by
Loreto Valenzuela in collaboration with
Wolfson Performing Arts Society. Performed by
Christine Urbanski Sabine Spindler Neil Shailer Liliana Del Villar Rainer Engelken
Music adaptation Astor Piazzola
Five performances with a limited audience of 15 people per show.